Committed to all quality standards.



Captain & Guide

Prepared food and drink

9 people maximum

Activities: Snorkeling

Private or Shared

Transport: Consult


Boat tour

Carrying out this activity in the sea in Tenerife is a very popular experience for visitors to the island, especially in Los Gigantes cliffs, on the west coast of Tenerife, where they can only be admired from the sea. This place is especially Propitious to see marine fauna, during the boat trip we will have the possibility of admiring a community of resident dolphins that are regularly seen in the area.

One of the most common dolphin species in the Teno-Rasca marine strip are bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), although during the year we can see spotted (Stenella frontalis) and common (Delphinus delphis) dolphins that come to eat nearby. from the coast when there is food. Seeing these animals in their natural habitat and their social dynamics is an exciting and unique experience.

Boat ride in Los Acantilados de los Gigantes

Under the Acantilado de Los Gigantes

The best way to appreciate the immensity and dimensions of the Los Gigantes cliff is, without a doubt, from a boat. On board a small boat it will make you feel like the walls grow as we get closer.

See how seabirds soar through the sky brushing against the basalt walls and we inspect the signs of marine fauna nearby, while you enjoy a snack aboard our 14-meter-long sailboat. To eat we will prepare a delicious snack of tapas on board suitable for vegetarians, you will also have cold drinks (Dorada beer, soft drinks, white wine and water).

Boat trip guided by Captain and Guide

From the Los Gigantes marina, it is easy for the first thing that approaches our boat to be a group of dolphins looking to inspect and browse. Bottlenose definers (Tursiops truncatus) tend to have coastal habits as well as certain species of sea turtles such as the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and birds of prey such as the osprey “El Guincho” (Pandion haliaetus). At the end of the excursion, the crew informs you about the species that have been sighted that day and relevant information on the biology and behavior of each one.

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